It is with great pleasure that I can announce that planning for a new Pedestrian Canal Bridge in Crick has been approved and will now go ahead. Parallel to the A428 Road crossing the Leicester Branch of the Grand Union Canal, just east of the Village of Crick, the bridge will replace an extremely narrow and dangerous footpath on the road bridge itself. Whilst no start date has been agreed, the funding necessary for the project to be completed has now been obtained. Having been proposed for decades as pedestrian access, particularly for wheelchairs, over the canal is very dangerous, I am pleased that, with my active support, the project can now go ahead.
Bringing all interested parties together, it was settled that a wooden bridge would be the most appropriate and cost efficient means of securing the bridge. A number of bodies, including Northamptonshire County Council, windfarm developers, Crick Parish Council and Prologis (DIRFT) all contributed financially to ensure the project was able to proceed, with the design now underway. The finished bridge should hopefully be in place by the autumn of 2017.
I would like to personally thank Roger Lowe, Malcolm Longley and Brian Hughes for their involvement in this matter.