Highways England have announced £75 million worth of road improvement schemes that are set to create almost 11,000 jobs and unlock the development of more than 4,000 homes across England. Highways England is making a £12.45 million contribution towards the schemes from its Growth and Housing Fund, with private sector developer contributions and other public funding making up the rest.
As a part of this wider investment, Highways England will be investing £3.5 million for improvements to the A5/A45 junction to the west of Northampton.
Highways England are working in partnership with South East Midlands LEP and Northamptonshire County Council who will be delivering the scheme in partnership with Daventry District Council.
This will allow a new 5.9km local authority-delivered bypass scheme to proceed, linking the A5 (T) directly with J16 of the M1 and enable plans for approximately 4,000 homes to be developed in the Daventry area.
I am extremely delighted with the announcement by Highways England and will, of course, keep the site updated with news of the project as work progresses.