For those of you that don't know, Rail Central is a proposed new Strategic Rail Freight Interchange in Northamptonshire.
Phase two of the Rail Central consultation is to take place from 15th March until 23rd April. Feedback received will help to inform the final application for the project to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. There will be a series of public exhibitions where you will have the chance to find out more, view the plans and provide comment and opinion. The location and dates of these events can be found below:
- Walnut Tree Inn, Thursday 15th March, 2pm-8pm
- Milton Malsor Village Hall, Saturday 17th March, 12.30pm-5.30pm
- Roade Village Hall, Wednesday 21st March, 1pm-7pm
- South Northamptonshire Council Chamber, Thursday 22nd March, 1pm-7pm
- Milton Malsor Village Hall, Friday 23rd March, 2pm-8pm
- Blisworth Village Hall, Satuday 24th March, 10am-4pm
If you would like to provide comment, there are a number of ways to help ensure local communities can give feedback, these include:
- An online feedback form available on the website:
- The project email address:
- FREEPOST Rail Central
- Project telephone line: 0845 543 8967
All responses or representations must:
- Be made in writing
- State the grounds of the response or representation
- Indicate who is making the response or representation
- Provide an address for the respondent
I would encourage all those interested to have their say on this so you can be well represented on this important matter. I will, of course, be following intently to see the results of the consultation.